Position Title
Graduate Assistant
Kirsten Schuhmacher is a Ph.D. Candidate of English Literature with a designated emphasis in Writing, Rhetoric, and Composition Studies (WRaCS). She studies early modern English literature--specifically poetry and prose--and looks at the relationship between language, the limits of rhetoric, and spatial construction. She is interested in the medieval and early modern green and blue world and is a part of the west coast research collective, Oecologies. In addition to ecology, her interests include Elizabethan poetry, material studies, Edmund Spenser, and trees. She has previously worked on many DH (digital humanities) projects including a digital edition of Foxe's Actes and Monuments which won the Canadian Erasmus Prize for best essay. As a graduate assistant for MEMS, she primarily works as a designer and webmaster for MEMS-related programming. If you are interested in having events posted or are an undergraduate that would like to be in touch, please email MEMSdirector@ucdavis.edu and your inquiry will be forwarded over.
- Ph.D. University of California, Davis in English Literature WRaCS (current)
- M.A. University of Victoria in English Literature and Medieval and Early Modern Studies
- B.A. University of Nevada, Reno in English Literature, Anthropology, and Environmental Studies