AHI 001B Medieval & Renaissance Art
Location: Lecture Everson Hall 176
Time: TR 10:00-11:30
Instructor: López, John
- Section A01 (CRN: 10714); M 11:00-11:50- Everson Hall 157
- Section A02 (CRN: 10715); M 12:10-1:00- Everson Hall 157
- Section A03 (CRN: 10716); W 2:10-3:00- Everson Hall 157
- Section A04 (CRN: 10717); W 3:10-4:00- Everson Hall 157
- Section A05 (CRN: 10718); R 4:10-5:00- Everson Hall 157
- Section A06 (CRN: 10719); R 5:10-6:00- Everson Hall 157
- Section A07 (CRN: 44981); W 4:10-5:00- Everson Hall 157
AHI 130 Landscape, Nature, and Art*
Section A01 (CRN: 44979)
Location: Lecture Art 217
Time: M,W 4:10-5:30
Instructor: Riordan, Lindsay
AHI 179B Baroque Art
Section A01 (CRN: 10746)
Location: Lecture Art 217
Time: TR 3:10-4:30
Instructor: López, John
CHN 110 Great Writers of China*
Section A01 (CRN: 17718)
Location: Wellman Hall 207
Time: MW 12:10-2:00
Instructor: He, Yuming
COM 002 Major Works of the Medieval & Early Modern World
Section 001 (CRN: 18237)
Location: Lecture/ Discussion Social Science Humanties
Time: M,W 10:00-11:50
Instructor: Staff
COM 002 Major Works of the Medieval & Early Modern World
Section 002 (CRN: 18227)
Location: Lecture/ Discussion Wellman Hall 5
Time: T,R 2:10-2:00
Instructor: Staff
COM 002 Major Works of the Medieval & Early Modern World
Section 003 (CRN: 18227)
Location: Lecture/ Discussion Wellman Hall 5
Time: T,R 2:10-2:00
Instructor: Staff
ENL 010A Literatures in English I: To 1700
Location: Lecture Olson Hall 118
Time: TR 10:30-11:50
Instructor: Talbott, Nicholas
- Section A01 (CRN: 23266); W 6:10-7:00- Social Science & Humanities 70
- Section A02 (CRN: 44559); W 7:10-8:00- Social Science & Humanities 70
- Section A03 (CRN: 45568); R 8:00-8:50- Olson Hall 117
- Section A04 (CRN: 45569); R 9:00-9:50- Everson Hall 226
ENL 52 Pop Culture Shakespeare*
Section 001 (CRN: 44581)
Location: Lecture/ Discussion Walker Hall 1330
Time: T,R 9:10-10:20
Instructor: Bloom, Gina
ENL 113B Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales
Location: Lecture Olson Hall 118
Time: M,W,F 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Waters, Claire
- Section A01 (CRN: 23397); F 8:00-8:50- Olson Hall 151
- Section A02 (CRN: 23398); F 9:00-9:50- Olson Hall 151
- Section A03 (CRN: 23399); W 6:10-7:00- Olson Hall 159
- Section A04 (CRN: 23400); W 7:10-8:00- Olson Hall 159
ENL 185A Literature by Women Before 1800
Section 001 (CRN: 23431)
Location: Lecture/ Discussion Wellman Hall 7
Time: T,R 9:00-10:20
Instructor: Wallis, Wally
ENL 189 Seminar in Literary Studies (Topic: Adapting Shakespeare for 21st Century Media)*
Section 001 (CRN: 44628)
Location: Lecture/ Discussion Wellman Hall 235
Time: T,R 12:10-1:30
Instructor: Bloom, Gina
HIS 004A History of Western Civilization
Location: Lecture Scrub Oak Auditorium 160
Time: M,W 9:00-10:20
Instructor: Staff
- Section A01 (CRN: 44429); T 11:00-11:50- The Grove (Surge III) 1283
- Section A02 (CRN: 44430); T 12:00-1:00- Veihmeyer Hall 116
- Section A03 (CRN: 44431); T 1:10-2:00- Veihmeyer Hall 116
- Section A04 (CRN: 44432); M 11:00-11:50- Wellman Hall 127
- Section A05 (CRN: 44433); M 12:10-1:00- Social Science & Humanities 70
- Section A06 (CRN: 44434); M 1:10-2:00- Hart Hall 1106
- Section A07 (CRN: 44435); R 11:00-11:50- The Grove (Surge III) 1283
- Section A08 (CRN: 44436); R 12:10-1:00- The Grove (Surge III) 1283
- Section A09 (CRN: 44437); R 1:10-2:00- Olson Hall 227
- Section A10 (CRN: 44438); F 9:00-9:50- Teaching and Learning Complex 3210
- Section A11 (CRN: 44439); F 10:00-10:50- Physics Building 130
- Section A12 (CRN: 44440); F 11:00-11:50- Physics Building 130
HIS 102D Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Modern Europe to 1815
Section 002 (CRN: 44407)
Location: Seminar Social Science & Humanities 2202
Time: W 1:10-4:00
Instructor: Harris, A. Katie
HIS 102D Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Modern Europe to 1815
Section 001 (CRN: 44408)
Location: Seminar Social Science & Humanities 2202
Time: M 2:10-5:00
Instructor: Stuart, Kathy
HIS 133 European Thought & Culture from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment*
Section 001 (CRN: 44402)
Location: Lecture Teaching and Learning Complex 3211
Time: T,R 12:10-1:30
Instructor: Stolzenberg, Daniel
HIS 170A Colonial America*
Section 001 (CRN: 44398)
Location: Lecture Hart Hall 1130
Time: M,W,F 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Smolenski, John
HIS 190C Middle Eastern History III: The Ottomans, 1401-1730
Section 001 (CRN: 44395)
Location: Lecture Hart Hall 1150
Time: T,R 1:40-3:00
Instructor: Tezcan, Baki
HIS 190D Middle Eastern History IV: Safavids Iran, 1300-1720*
Section 001 (CRN: 44394)
Location: Lecture Olson Hall 147
Time: M,W,F 1:00-2:00
Instructor: Anooshahr, Ali
JPN 102 Japanese Literature in Translation: The Middle Period*
Section 001 (CRN: 29891)
Location: Lecture/ Discussion Olson Hall 223
Time: M,W 10:00-11:50
Instructor: Sorensen, Joseph
LAT 106 Horace: Odes & Epodes
Section 001 (CRN: 44840)
Location: Lecture Hart Hall 1116
Time: M,W,F 1:10-2:00
Instructor: Brelinski, Tim
LAT 122 Early Christian Writers
Section 001 (CRN: 44841)
Location: Lecture/Discussion Wellman Hall 27
Time: M,W,F 2;10-3:00
Instructor: Chin, Mike
MST 20A Early Medieval Culture
Section 001 (CRN: 33508)
Location: Lecture Bainer Hall 1130
Time: TR 1:40-3:00
Instructor: Arnett, Carlee
MSA 181C Topics in Regional ME/SA Studies: Arab Studies
Section 001 (CRN: 33475)
Location: Lecture Hoagland Hall 108
Time: M,W 11:00-12:20
Instructor: Syed, Mairaj
POL 116 Foundations of Political Thought
Section 001 (CRN: 44863)
Location: Lecture/Discussion Olson Hall 146
Time: T,R 4:40-6:00
Instructor: Brandt, Raymond
RST 21 The Bible and its Interpreters*
Section 001 (CRN: 41133)
Location: Lecture Teaching and Learning Complex 1212; Discussion TBD
Time: Lecture M,W,F 11:00-11:50; Discussion TBD
Instructor: Sanders, Seth
RST 60 Introduction to Islam*
Location: Lecture Olson Hall 206
Time: T,R 1:40-3:00
Instructor: Syed, Mairaj
- Section A01 (CRN: 41134); T 5:10-6:00- Hart Hall 1116
- Section A02 (CRN: 41135); T 6:10-7:00- Hart Hall 1116
- Section A03 (CRN: 41136); W 5:10-6:00- Wellman Hall 103
- Section A04 (CRN: 41137); W 6:10-7:00- Wellman Hall 103
RST 115 Mysticism
Section 001 (CRN: 44291)
Location: Lecture Social Science & Humanities 80
Time: M,W,F 12:10-1:00
Instructor: Terry, Wendy
RST 132 Topic in Mediterranean Ancient Religion*
Section 001 (CRN: 44293)
Location: Lecture/Discussion Social Science & Humanities 80
Time: M,W,F 9:00-9:50
Instructor: Sanders, Seth
SPA 150N Survey of Latin American Literature to 1900*
Section 001 (CRN: 41781)
Location: Lecture Wellman Hall 207
Time: T,R 12:10-1:30
Instructor: Bernucci, Leopoldo
*This course can only be taken with permission from the MEMS Director. Please fill out the MEMS Request for Course Credit to be Counted for the Major or Minor.pdf