AHI 001C Baroque to Modern Art
Location: Lecture The Grove (Surge III) 1309
Time: M,W 10:30-11:50
Instructor: Yonan, Michael
- Section A01 (CRN: 30692); M 9:00-9:50- Everson Hall 157
- Section A02 (CRN: 30693); R 9:00-9:50- Everson Hall 157
- Section A03 (CRN: 30694); T 9:00-9:50- Everson Hall 157
- Section A04 (CRN: 30695); W 9:00-9:30- Everson Hall 157
- Section A05 (CRN: 30696); F 9:00-9:50- Everson Hall 157
- Section A06 (CRN: 30697); W 4:10-5:00- Everson Hall 157
AHI 190C Undergraduate Seminar in Art History: Renaissance
Section 001 (CRN: 61715)
Location: Lecture/Discussion Everson Hall 157
Time: T 12:10-3:00
Instructor: John López
COM 002 Major Works of the Medieval & Early Modern World
Section A01 (CRN: 37231)
Location: Lecture/ Discussion Wellman Hall 25
Time: T,R 12:10-2:00
Instructor: Staff
COM 002 Major Works of the Medieval & Early Modern World
Section A02 (CRN: 37232)
Location: Lecture/ Discussion Social Science & Humanities 90
Time: M,W 2:10-4:00
Instructor: Staff
ENL 010A Literatures in English I: To 1700
Location: Lecture Cruess Hall 107
Time: M,W,F 10:00-10:50
Instructor: Staff
- Section A01 (CRN: 62549); M 6:10-7:00- Wellman Hall 203
- Section A02 (CRN: 62550); M 7:10-8:00- Wellman Hall 103
ENL 122 Milton
Location: Lecture Wellman Hall 202
Time: T,R 12:10-1:30
Instructor: Werth, Tiffany
- Section A01 (CRN: 62108); R 6:10-7:00- Olson Hall 224
- Section A02 (CRN: 62109); R 7:10-8:00- Olson Hall 224
- Section A03 (CRN: 62110); F 9:00-9:50- Wellman Hall 129
- Section A04 (CRN: 62111); F 10:00-10:50- Wellman Hall 129
ENL 150A British Drama to 1800
Section 001 (CRN: 62113)
Location: Lecture/ Discussion Hart Hall 1120
Time: T,R 1:40-3:00
Instructor: Bloom, Gina
ENL 189 Seminar in Literary Studies
Section 001 (CRN: 62134)
Location: Seminar Voorhies Hall 248
Time: T,R 10:30-11:50
Instructor: Bloom, Gina
HIS 004B History of Western Civilization
Location: Lecture Chemistry 179
Time: T,R 12:10-1:30
Instructor: Stuart, Kathy
- Section A01 (CRN: 62007); W 9:00-9:50- Art 210
- Section A02 (CRN: 62008); W 10:00-10:50- TBA
- Section A03 (CRN: 62009); W 11:00-11:50- Wellman Hall 235
- Section A04 (CRN: 62010); R 9:00-9:30- Art 210
- Section A05 (CRN: 62011); R 10:00-10:50- TBA
- Section A06 (CRN: 62127); R 11:00-11:50- Wellman Hall 235
HIS 102D Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Modern Europe to 1815
Section 001 (CRN: 61993)
Location: Seminar Social Science & Humanities 2202
Time: W 1:10-4:00
Instructor: Harris, A. Katie
HIS 102D Undergraduate Proseminar in History: Modern Europe to 1815
Section 002 (CRN: 61994)
Location: Seminar Social Science & Humanities 2202
Time: R 3:10-6:00
Instructor: Stuart, Kathy
ITA 105 Introduction to Italian Literature
Section 001 (CRN: 47946)
Location: Lecture/ Discussion Wellman Hall 107
Time: T,R 10:30-11:50
Instructor: Delmolino, Grace
ITA 113 Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso)
Section 001 (CRN: 61815)
Location: Lecture/ Discussion Robbins Hall 146
Time: T,R 1:40-3:00
Instructor: Delmolino, Grace
LAT 115 Lucretius
Section 001 (CRN: 62143)
Location: Lecture Wellman Hall 101
Time: M,W,F 12:10-1:00
Instructor: Rundin, John
LAT 125 Medieval Latin
Section 001 (CRN: 62144)
Location: Lecture Wellman Hall 107
Time: T,R 1:40-3:00
Instructor: Staff
MST 20B The Culture of the High Middle Ages
Section 001 (CRN: 51732)
Location: Lecture Hickey Gymnasium 290; Discussion Wellman Hall 223
Time: Lecture T,R 12:10-1:30; Discussion T 3:10-4:00
Instructor: He, Yuming
MUS 121 Topics in Music Scholarship
Section 001 (CRN: 51832)
Location: Seminar Music 230
Time: M,W 10:00-11:50
Instructor: Polzonetti, Peter
MUS 124D History of Western Music: Middle Ages & Renaissance
Section 001 (CRN: 61733)
Location: Lecture Music 230
Time: T,R 1:10-2:30
Instructor: Plack, Rebecca
PHI 021 Philosophical Classics of the Ancient Era
Location: Lecture Teaching and Learning Complex 2218
Time: T,R 10:30-11:50
Instructor: Szaif, Jan
- Section A01 (CRN: 62455); T 6:10-7:00- The Grove (Surge III) 1283
- Section A02 (CRN 62456); T 7:10-8:00- The Grove (Surge III) 1283
POL 116 Foundations of Political Thought
Section 001 (CRN: 62418)
Location: Lecture Wellman Hall 119; Discussion TBA
Time: M,W 12:10-1:30; TBA
Instructor: Taylor, Robert
POL 118A History of Political Theory: Ancient
Section 001 (CRN: 62420)
Location: Lecture Olson Hall 146; Discussion Olson Hall 146
Time: T,R 9:00-10:20; T,R 10:30-10:50
Instructor: Satkunanandan, Shalini
RST 065C The Qur'an & Its Interpretation
Section 001 (CRN: 59182)
Location: Lecture/Discussion Teaching and Learning Complex 1214
Time: T,R 5:40-7:00
Instructor: Brizendine, Ryan
RST 165 Islam in Asia
Section 001 (CRN: 62121)
Location: Lecture/Discussion Wellman Hall 3
Time: M,W 3:10-4:30
Instructor: Brizendine, Ryan
SPA 134B Don Quijote II
Section 001 (CRN: 62742)
Location: Lecture Olson Hall 125
Time: M,W,F 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Oriel, Charles